Turn-Key Rentals

Want to invest in rental property, but don’t have the time, energy or experience to locate, rehab and stabilize one yourself? Our turnkey rental product is for you! This product is intended for those who want a totally passive, hands-off investment. Generally, our turnkey properties will have a cap rate of 6-12%.

For the DIYer, you might want to check out our wholesale deals.

Not sure if turnkey is for you? Here are the benefits:

  • Pre-Qualified
    Our turnkey properties are made to cash flow. We don’t just take any property and throw a tenant in and call it turnkey. We use our knowledge of the Indianapolis market to hand pick properties that offer the best balance of price, rental income, attractiveness to tenants, and ultimately, good ROI for you as an investor.
  • Newly Rehabbed
    As a turnkey investor, you won’t have to deal with any rehab. Our turnkey properties are ready for occupancy on day one. We don’t sell “fixer-uppers” or properties with deferred maintenance under this program.
  • Cash Flowing
    Most of our turnkeys will already have tenants in them and produce cash flow from day one. The ones that don’t, we’ll work diligently with you to place a tenant as soon as possible using our marketing and leasing services.
  • Financing Allowed
    Unlike a wholesale deal, a turnkey property will be in livable condition and doesn’t require a ~2 week cash closing. We allow our buyers to inspect, appraise and finance our turnkey properties before closing.

Interested in acquiring a turnkey property? Get in touch with us today, or check out our available inventory below.
